Putting together this stroller comparison chart was a fun project, but a LOT of work. This chart has the TOP single strollers that are sold on today’s market.
It took me a few weeks to find and sort all the information and another week to set up the chart. I aimed to create an easy way to compare different strollers in one place (something I couldn’t find anywhere).
One of the most important factors when choosing a stroller is its weight and that was THE hardest thing to find. I had to go to the manufacturing site for each stroller to see what the correct weight was.
Surprisingly, some of them give you all the information in the world, but not the weight. Many of the sites that sell strollers including Amazon, provide incorrect weight info.
That is why I wanted to make sure I provided you with the MOST accurate information. Many strollers are available in other colors than those displayed in my chart.
I tried to find the lowest prices for each stroller to save you money (Keep in mind, that prices can vary depending on the color). I’ve also put together a list of the top 20 best strollers for 2018 that you can buy right now. All of these strollers have received the highest reviews from me and the parents.
How to use this chart
This is a dynamic chart that sorts information without reloading this page. To sort information, click on little black arrows at the top. You can use a ‘Search Box‘ to filter information. To see only jogging strollers, type ‘jogging’ in the search box.
What do you think?
If you think I missed any of the strollers, please let me know and I will add it to the chart. When putting together this chart, I debated whether I should combine all of the strollers in one chart, as I did above, or separate them by stroller type (lightweight, jogging, standard). Since this chart is so long, it might take a while to load.
How about the Graco Modes Click Connect?
Hi Katrin – Do you have a full review of the Stokke Crusi?
Are any of the Armadillo family by Mamas & Papas considered lightweight?
I would love to see a comparison chart for COMPACT strollers.
Thank you so much for all this awesome, in depth info!!!!
Hi Sandra. Check out my comparison chart for Armadillo strollers. I am also in a process of putting a comparison chart for most popular umbrella strollers.
I am pretty set on getting a Bob as a jogging stroller, but am debating what to do for my initial errand-running stroller (and infant car seat). I am debating between the Chicco Key Fit with Key Fit Caddy or the Britax B-Safe with the Britax B-Agile. What would you recommend? Thanks!
hi, thanks for this awesome website! very helpful and informative!
Can you review the maclaren volo and quest, JOIE strollers (especially chrome and mirus), jette strollers, easy walker mini buggy, babystyle oyster light & move, einhill armadillo 2 and combi well comfort? Sorry for asking too many reviews hehe.. because in Indonesia, there’s lots of strollers and it makes me really confuse to choose.
Thx alot!
Great reviews…
Please review Graco Aire3 Click Connect and Graco Modes Lite travel systems.
This is fantastic. Thank you. I have been looking for something like this to help me make a decision. I realise it would probably be a LOT of extra work but I would love if you also gave the dimensions (particularly width) as I found that is also a big factor when making a choice. Thanks
I am looking for a stroller that you can click an infant car seat to, that I can take walks with on dirt paths, and is still as light weight as possible. Does anything like this exist? First time mom and am trying to learn all the options!
I’d recommend going with – what I have – the City Mini GT. It’s great, sturdy, not heavy and compact.
Could you compare the YOYA to the YOYO
can you make a review on the inglesina atica?
thank you for this amazing website !